Life Changes, Real Estate Laura Key Life Changes, Real Estate Laura Key

The Realty Goddess is Moving from Denver to Los Angeles

Just a few short weeks ago I was very content and happy in Denver.  Business is good, family is well, life is....well...LIFE! Then out of the blue "change" hit me.  There are many reasons for my move to Los Angeles.  I am going to miss Denver very much as well as all of my clients. (I will not leave you without guided hands! - more to come) As I reflect upon this change, I see it as a wonderful adventure.  Most of you know I am just a little ole' country girl from Prospect Kentucky with an accent to match.  When we moved to Denver in 2000 I thought I would never get use to the "big city".  At the time "T-REX I-25" project was starting and the traffic scared me half to death!  Somehow as  time moved on things got better.  I worked as a secretary in Genesee for about five years then "change" hit me hard and I decided to become a Realtor.  That change was one for the better.  I love people and that makes my job a perfect fit for me.  Even though I got in when the "bottom" started to sink, I survived!  I have been in the business for five years and out of about 12 people who started with me at the Real Estate School, I am the only one left in the business.  I am pretty proud of that! I have made many wonderful memories here in Denver.  One's I can share with my grandchildren one day, but now it's time to move on. Los Angeles is going to be such a huge change for me.  I am currently packing, working, and studying for my California real estate license.  Change can be good.  I look forward to running with the big dogs....only I will be running in heels! (wink)  There are some things I am a bit afraid of, but what is life for if you don't face fears and grow?  I'm ready for the challenge and I plan to take the lessons learned here in Denver and put them to wonderful use there.

I have picked which office I will align myself with.  More on that to come!  But for now I want you to share my journey, join me on this new path and watch me grow.

I want to say "THANK YOU" to all my clients, friends and mentors. As I reflect over the past 10 years, I see I have made WONDERFUL friends in all of you! Your support has been so fabulous and I am forever grateful!

So here we go...just a few more weeks of packing, renting the house, finishing business and studying....then this Realty Goddess is going to join the City of Angels!

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